Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I know we have already passed Mother's Day but we can celebrate more right? As a mom, I've learned to be patient and free spirited. Tempers can flare at any moment so as my two year old would say, "calm down!" it will be over soon.

Now, if you're like me and a bit of a neat freak it has been difficult for me to handle the mess of a toddler.  Our house used to be spotless at all times until the monster came along. However, there are ways to stay organized in your family room and still look put together and stylish. 

My favorite toy bins are coffee tables. Ours has two baskets underneath that are filled to the brim with toys but they add character. As long as the toys are not on the floor to be stepped on they don't look too bad :) Target, Crate and Barrel, Pottery Barn, etc also have ottomans that double as storage that are great as well. 

I also think it's great when you can put the fun and colorful toys on display as decor. Our son loves music so I used shadow boxes in his playroom and placed his tambourine, drum, and bells in the boxes so they were not only for music but something to look at it! 

Remember that no one expects your house to be spotless when you have kids. Quit picking up the playroom and spend that time running around and getting hugs :) 

Monday, May 3, 2010

Love2Love Your Family

Oh my goodness could this year go any faster? It is already May and wedding season! :)

Don't forget to remember your loved ones that have left this earth but hold a special place in your heart. Take pictures from their wedding day or any special moment in their life and place them at your wedding reception. That way they are with you every step of the way that day and your guests know how much they mean to you.

I have also seen a chair being left open or an extra candle on the alter in memory of a family member or friend. Now, let's not make the day out to be "Debbie Downer" but a blessing that you still hold them close to you even when they are not there.

My grandma passed away a week ago and it still hasn't sunk in yet but we know that she is in heaven watching over us today. In honor of her and her wedding day, here she is in her amazing bridal gown looking absolutely stunning. Love you forever!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bridal Shower Fun!

I have had so much fun getting decorations and the essentials for a bridal shower I'm helping with this weekend. It's at my parents house for a great friend of hers. Her wedding colors are navy blue, deep pink, and white which I absolutely LOVE! Why couldn't I think of that? :)

I'll post pictures on Saturday but I couldn't hold in my excitement. Took a trip yesterday and bought awesome square, white, plastic plates from Party City. Just by the name of the place it doesn't sound classy but they have some great products! The store also has plastic silverware that looks real. You have to see it to believe it. I had never seen it before. Am I the only one? Now I'm on a mission to find a navy blue table cloth. If you have suggestions please let me know.

Enjoy the rest of your week and remember that you are too blessed to be stressed! (Well if you are stressed that is)

Friday, April 2, 2010


Life has been so busy lately!

Have you ever felt so busy that you're event just isn't fun anymore? In the most polite way possible...STOP! Just stop. Take a deep breath. Take a week off or just a few days to not think about your event or simply ask for help. The moment it all becomes a "drag" is when the stress starts. The process should not be stressful but eventful! Think of this as a fork in the road. You can either go right and go crazy or go left and stop freaking out. You can do this!

Friday, March 26, 2010


So there you are. Looking at your event budget and thinking, "How in the world did I spend this much money?" Trust me, you're not alone. It seems like it all just flies out the window sometimes. If only we could put a little seed in our backyard and watch the money tree grow. 

A money tree would be amazing but because that only happens in our dreams there are ways to save here and there. Try ditching the flowers for your centerpieces and add candles in vintage holders or some awesome twigs in a sleek glass vase. There are so many ways to DIY these days. Head out to the craft store and be creative or borrow a few things from friends and family. Remember, everything does not always have to be so "matchy matchy". 

A WONDERFUL friend of mine used silver frames for table numbers. Each with a different style but stayed in the classy, elegant theme that she wanted. I loved the idea and thought it was a great way to save if you could just take them from home or even borrow from a neighbor. 

So go out there! Roll up your sleeves and save that money! 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The good old days...

Does anyone miss polaroid cameras as much as I do? I wish my digital camera made that shutter noise and then rolled out a beautiful photo that in order to see it you have to shake it a few times. Ok, I know their are other cameras that print out photos but it's just not the same. So how can we bring it back? Buy a polaroid camera for a special event like a birthday party, wedding, or baby shower. Have your guests write a special message on a dry erase or chalk board and say cheese! or take the picture and have your guest write a little something on the back. This can replace a guest book or just give you great memories from a fun day. Let me know if you try this out! I'd love to hear about the polaroid adventure :) 

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I always seem 2 forget...

about BALLOONS! Don't you remember when your parents got balloons for your birthday and you were so excited? They just scream party! Now, I don't recommend them for weddings but any other occasion go for it! Do all white for a bridal shower or multi-colored for a child's birthday.

This picture just makes me smile :)

Monday, March 22, 2010


 I absolutely love when people become creative with table numbers! Ok, they're only for guests so they know where to sit but why not make them fun and festive? I found these DIY numbers and thought they were fabulous. I'm guessing you could make each one for 5 bucks at the most. Some wooden numbers, a little spray paint, scrapbook paper, a frame and there you go! Here are a few more to look at: 

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A new twist on the guest book

I found an idea in a magazine and thought it was fabulous! Have your guests sign white decorative plates or any color that will match your new home. Hang them on a wall in your dining room, kitchen, or family room along with other festive plates. These will be awesome discussion pieces when guests come to visit and you can remember your wedding day over and over again when you see them.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Hi everybody! So I'm VERY new to this whole blog thing but I wanted a new way to get my ideas out for you so...here I am. If you have advice for me about blogging, I would love to hear it. Other then that, I got my "Ownership of Business" certificate in the mail yesterday and I am so excited! Can't wait to get the ball rolling and plan more events.

Right now I am working on a fun but classic bridal shower for a friend of my Mom's soon to be daughter in law (did you catch that? Kind of confusing). It has been fun getting to chat about food, flowers, and colors. Makes me wish I could plan one everyday!

For dessert, I'm making strawberry shortcake but putting them in a glass votive that you can buy at any craft store. The layers of the cake will look great and they're so easy to serve. Here's a picture to make your mouth water a little, if you're a sweet tooth person like me :)